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Hi there, I’m Kalie. Alabama native, wife, and stay-at-home mom of 3 amazing kiddos…Axxle, Kate, and Ronin.

A Quick Bit About My Life

I grew up in a Christian home with 5 siblings, all of us still close 🙂 My childhood was filled with competitive gymnastics, volleyball, marching band (French horn and flag line), youth group trips, and all the extracurriculars my siblings were involved in. We were all over the place all the time and how my mom did it, I have no idea LOL I was very blessed to have had the chance to do so much growing up.

After highschool, I took off to Auburn University where I could continue flag line with the marching band…the absolute experience of a lifetime 🙂 Got my Bachelor’s in Health Promotion with a minor in business. Worked at Publix Supermarkets the whole way through to graduation.

Then just months after graduating, I met my husband. A year and a half later we were engaged. 26 days after that we were married, and a month after I DO, he deployed. Never thought I’d spend my first year of marriage half-way around the world from each other, but we got through it.

Let Motherhood Begin

When we decided to start our family a year or two later, it only took us a couple of months to get that first positive pregnancy test. I was thrilled and immediately shared the news with the world. Just a few weeks later though, we were hearing the words “I’m sorry, the heartbeat is gone.” I lost our first, little baby at 9 weeks and was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus. I won’t give you an anatomy lesson, but essentially I learned pregnancy would likely be more complicated than I expected.

But here we are, 3 kids later. And while I definitely had complications along the way, I’m so thankful for my kids. I’d do it all over again. I love all things pregnancy, childbirth, and the newborn stage. And I actually still hope to experience it all over again a few years from now.

I always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom. I’ve always wanted a large family like the one I grew up in. The thing is though, I never quite envisioned the motherhood that God has had planned for me.

My New Normal

Just days after our oldest son was born, he was diagnosed with complex congenital heart defects. My world flipped upside down and everything I read and prepared for of motherhood was tossed out the window.

A few years later, after making through two open heart surgeries, multiple heart procedures, countless tests and appointments, I was finally feeling on top of things. I felt confident in my role as heart mom and life kind of felt like it was settling down. But then we were hit with his autism diagnosis. And while it wasn’t as big a blow mentally, it brought big changes to our schedule and daily lives.

With other less life changing diagnoses along the way, now my life quite literally revolves around his care. And with our other two kiddos with me every step of the way, of course. The greatest siblings I could have hoped for Axxle.

The Purpose of this Blog

When I created this webspace, I had very little intention of diving deep into the special needs motherhood part of my life. Up until about a month ago that is. I think I’ve had a deep-seeded fear that I’m not experienced or good enough to share on it. I wanted to keep it light. Share favorite recipes that I’m always asked for and the basics of motherhood for new moms out there.

But something wasn’t feeling right.

I started feeling a strong tug at my heart that this special, unplanned, complicated part of my life is exactly what I needed to be talking about. It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, and I’m not an expert at this life. I’m still learning how to be the best mother I can be. Especially when one of my children requires so much of me.

And all of that has made me feel unqualified.

But God calls the unqualified.

So here I am taking a giant leap of faith, praying that God gives me the right words along the way. My greatest hope is that I can be the source of information and support that I desperately needed when our journey first started. That I can answer some of those Google searches when a new mom hears the words “CHD” or “autism.” Or really any medically/developmentally complex diagnosis. That our story can bring hope…something I desperately needed in our first days.

And maybe share a few dairy-free recipes for my fellow dairy-allergy mamas out there 🙂

I love this life and I’m blessed beyond measure. Admittedly I haven’t always felt that way since becoming a mom to a medically-complex child. So if you’re a mom just starting out on an unexpected journey, what I hope you’ll find here is a source of courage, hope, and support.

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